When modifying a jet report, how do select or set the key that would be most efficient for your report?
Jet Reports Historic Posts I think you can't, but I could be wrong…
Jet Reports Historic Posts I think Jan is right.
The only thing I'm aware of is altering the select and filtering criteria to use fields that better match with the key you are interested in using. Hardly exact and often not really achieveable if you're after a certain information. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Have a look at this http://support.jetreports.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=43
It will tell you exactly how to do this! -
Jet Reports Historic Posts if you have the solution, it would be nice to show it here…
Jet Reports Historic Posts Thanks for the link Hans…but it only tells you that it can use keys. My problem is that Jet doesn't use the optimal key for the job. I'm looking at different ways to structure the report to make it quicker. So far it takes 35 minutes to go through 13K item numbers in 15 Stockkeeping Units (filtering down to 6)…
Jet Reports Historic Posts What version of Jet Reports are you using?
I read on the support site that version 7.1.2 uses a different means to select the key in Navision that should improve report speed. If you aren't on that version, you may want to upgrade.
From the support site:Performance Improvements.
- Changes in how Jet Reports selects and uses the Navision Keys can result in a performance improvement of the report. In testing, when Jet Reports was able to select a Navision Key, reports took 10-50% less time to complete. Please note, that not all reports will have improvements in performance.
Jet Reports Historic Posts Hi SDConant,
I thought the article would help you how to do this.
Let me tell you the steps I normally take:
- start NAV and open a form that contains the data I need in my report;
- select a key that contains the fields I'm about to filter on;
- enter all filters;
- repeat these steps if there are several keys.
By doing this I try to find out which key performs best in NAV. It's an intuitive thing - you can't activate a clock. But this firts step is too important to ignore!
When you have found the right key, you are ready to enter the NL function:
- put the filterfields in the same order as the key in NAV.
Hope this helps. Have a good day! -
Jet Reports Historic Posts So Jet takes the order of your filters as the method for selecting the key??
Jet Reports Historic Posts Indeed :)
From the support page I referred to:"To maximize performance, the key should have all of the fields you are sorting on in the same order as they appear in your NL function."
Jet Reports Historic Posts Yes! Significant increase in query speed. Thanks Hans you are the man!!! :D
Jet Reports Historic Posts It was my pleasure :)
And don't forget what Chuck suggested: update to the latest version of Jet Reports!
Here's a link to the download page: http://support.jetreports.com/index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=45 -
Jet Reports Historic Posts A note to be taken:
the following statment from the Support site is incorrect
"To maximize performance, the Nav key should have all of the fields you are
sorting on in the same order as they appear in your NL function"
this should be the correct approach
"Jet Reports will search through the active keys in the table you've
selected for your NL function and select the key with the
most fields that match your FilterFields. Sometimes you can use the
Advanced Designer to help identify the key that you
want to use for your query. You don't have to put the FilterFields in
your NL function in the same order that they appear in
the key. Jet will automatically choose the correct key." -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Hi LegacySubaru,
If I'm not mistaken… up until version 7 you had to put the fields in the correct order to address a certain key. As from version 7.1 Jet Reports searches through the keys.
From the support site (http://support.jetreports.com/index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=45):Changes between v7 and v7.1:
Changes applicable to Navision Datasources:
Performance Improvements.
Changes in how Jet Reports selects and uses the Navision Keys can result in a performance improvement of the report.
If you still want to use a specific key in your report you may do so by putting the fields in the correct order and assiging a + or - symbol for sorting. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Very intresting stuff!
Thanks guys. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts hansfousert,thanks for the clarification.