Our company has been using Jet Report versions compatible Navision 2013 to 2018. Recently, I encountered any issue where my jet repots are taking long time to run and frequently return with an error. When I check the connection, It indicates that provider for my jet report cannot be found.
I suspect this issue might be due to the SQL servicer version we are trying to connect to, which may not be compatible with our current Jet Report function.
Specific Questions.
1 Compatibility: is it possible that the SQL server version we are using is not compatible with our Jet Report Versions? If so, which version of Microsoft SQL Server should we download and use?
2 Jet Report updates: do we need to update our Jet report to a newer version to resolve this issue? if yes, what are the associated costs for updating Jet Report?
3 Additional Advise: Any other advise or troubleshooting steps that could help resolve this connection issue?