Error with jet report when updating GL budget template exported from NAV

I found this How to link to Import Jet Budgets data into NAV/BC (https://support.jetglobal.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012317994-Import-Jet-Budgets-Data-into-Dynamics-NAV-or-Business-Central) and have hit a roadblock. 

I followed the steps to turn off the data validation, then used the NL for the Dept dimension value and upon closing the Jet Function Wizard, the dimension value cell remain as a formula and did not return the "ADM" dimension value. May I know what set up am I missing? 

The guide from the link showed NL rows for one dimension value. May I know how to go about dimension combinations ie DEPT; PROJECT etc etc? How do we get the Excel budget to display the different dimension combination values? 

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