Can't Use Jet Report



First of all sorry for my english ! 


I had Excel 2003 on a VM, and I update to Excel 2013.

Since I installed this update I can't launch Jet Report add-in.

This message appear when I launch Excel. 2 options :

- I click on YES -> Excel wants to open JetReports.xll


- I click on No, I can use Excel without problem but there is no Jet Report add-in.

I try to use this : https://support.jetglobal.com/hc/en-us/articles/219403567 but without results.

I try to uninstall, install etc. Nothing can help me to bring back my add-in Excel.

Can someone help me about this ? We try to use the community posts and the knowledge base. But we've already got the problem.


If someone can help me. Thanks for all.



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