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Create a Dynamics GP Jet Remote Data Source - Users' Guide


If you Dynamics GP data resides on a different network domain that does your installation of Microsoft Excel, System Administrators can use the JRDS Admin Guide to help them configure the Jet Remote Data Service.

Once that service is set up, users of the Jet Excel add-in can configure a data source to use the service.

Configuring the Data Source Connection

The first step in the Jet add-in is to create a new data source of the type Dynamics GP with a connection type of Remote Data Service.  Next, the authentication needs to be configured. The user can authenticate against the JRDS using specified Windows credentials.

It is expected that users will be given a username, domain, and password to use for authentication.

  1. To create a new data source connection to your GP database, start by selecting Data Source Settings from the Jet ribbon.

  2. On the Data Source Settings window, click the Add button. When the Add Data Source dialog will appear, provide a unique name for our GP data source, select Dynamics GP for the Database Type, and Remote Data Service for the Connection Method.

  3. It is expected that users will be given a username, domain, and password to use for authentication.

  4. The connection information for the instance of the JRDS must be configured:

    Note that the Server is the one which is hosting IIS and the JRDS.  The Port is the one which was entered into PowerShell when the Application Container was created.  The Instance is the name entered into PowerShell when the Service Instance was created.

    The dropdown to select the company will populate when opened if the settings are correct.

  5. Once the Data Source Settings are correct, you can test them by clicking the Test Connection button at the top of the Data Source Settings window and should see the Test Connection Succeeded message. If there are any issues, the message should help you in troubleshooting.


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