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Jet Basics - Drilldown Grid for NAV

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The Drilldown Grid displays drilldown data for Dynamics NAV, and allows you to group, filter, and sort that data.

Drilldown View

Using the Drilldown Grid, drilldown results can be personalized. By right-clicking a column header, a user can choose which fields are displayed in the drilldown form.  Additionally, columns can be reordered by dragging a column header to the desired position.

When the drilldown form is closed the fields that are currently visible and the field order are stored as the drilldown view for the table.  The next time the user drills down on the table, only the fields that were previously visible will be displayed in the same order.


Analyzing Data in the Grid Drilldown

When the drilldown form opens not all of the records will be loaded. While records are being loaded a progress indicator will appear in the lower left corner of the form.  When records are finished loading the total number of records retrieved will be displayed. Grouping, filtering, and sorting can all be done while records are still loading.


Dynamics NAV (2013 and higher) and Grid Drilldown

FlowField values are not initially loaded in the Drilldown Grid.  To load the values for a FlowField click the refresh button in its column header. FlowField values cannot be loaded until all of the drilldown records have been retrieved.

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