At Jet Global, we know that the best products are the ones our customers can use to their fullest potential. To design our products, we gather direct customer feedback by conducting usability tests, surveys, and other types of field research.
However, thousands of people use Jet Global products, so it is impossible for us to contact most of our customers in person to get their feedback.
You can help Jet Global improve the quality, reliability, and performance of Jet products by participating in the Jet Global Customer Experience Improvement Program.
If you accept, Jet Global collects statistical information about our products, the performance of reports, and which features of our products are used. Our products periodically send information about the performance of your installation of our software. This information is transmitted by using the Internet. Jet Global uses this information to improve the products and features customers use most often and to help solve problems. Participation in the program is voluntary, and the end results are software improvements to better meet the needs of our customers.
The uploaded data contains no information that identifies you or your company. There are no surveys to complete, and it all happens automatically—you’re never interrupted. You should experience no loss in performance. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, no data is sent. Jet Global does not share this information with other companies; it is used only by Jet Global in aggregate form for the purpose of improving our software for our customers.
Frequently Asked Question
How does CEIP work?
When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to Jet Global about how you use certain features. Information about your system is combined with other CEIP data to help Jet Global solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often. -
Will CEIP collect information about all products on my computer?
CEIP collects information about Jet Global products as well as about the version of your computer’s operating system and version of Microsoft Excel. -
Will I be contacted or receive spam if I participate?
No. CEIP reports do not contain contact information, such as your name, address, or phone number. This means CEIP will not ask you to participate in surveys or to read junk e-mail, and you will not be contacted in any other way. -
If I choose to participate, can I opt out later?
Yes. For any released product with an option to participate in CEIP, you can choose to start or stop participating at any time. Jet Global makes CEIP options available from the Application Settings and during installation. Some pre-release products that are under development might require participation in CEIP to help ensure the final release of the product improves frequently used features and solves common problems that exist in the pre-release software. -
Can I review the information before it is sent to Jet Global?
Unfortunately the information can't be reviewed for a couple of reasons:- For security/privacy reasons, no collected data is stored on your computer; it is sent directly to Jet Global.
- Rather than displaying a dialog prompting you to review the information when you are trying to do other things, the data is sent automatically, without interrupting your work.
For these reasons, the CEIP program limits the type of information that can be collected and how that information can be used. The Customer Experience Improvement Program section of the Jet Global Privacy Statement describes the type of information that can be collected and how Jet Global uses the information.
How does Jet Global protect my privacy if I choose to participate?
CEIP reports do not contain any personal information, such as your name, address, or phone number and is not used to identify you. CEIP uses the settings on your system to distinguish how widespread the feedback we receive is and how to prioritize it.
How to Enable the Customer Experience Improvement Program
You can enable the Customer Experience Improvement Program either during installation or through the Jet Application Settings.
To enable CEIP during Installation
When you start Excel for the first time after installing the Jet Excel add-in, you will be asked if you wish to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program.
Select Yes to enable the CEIP.
To enable CEIP by using the Application Settings
From the Jet ribbon within Excel, click Application Settings…
From the General tab of the Application Settings, click the link for Customer Experience Improvement Program…
And then select Yes to begin participating in the program.
How to Disable the Customer Experience Improvement Program
You can disable participation in the Customer Experience Improvement Program either during installation of Jet Reports or by using the Jet Application Settings.
To disable CEIP during Installation
When you start Excel for the first time after installing the Jet Excel add-in, you will be asked if you wish to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program.
select No to disable the CEIP.
To disable CEIP by using Application Settings
From the Jet ribbon within Excel, click Application Settings.
From the General tab of the Application Settings, click the link for Customer Experience Improvement Program, and then select No to stop participating in the program