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What is a Designer? A Viewer? An Excel User?

Designers Viewers Excel Users
Jet Designers are individuals licensed to use Jet Reports to create reports and/or create dashboards (using Dashboard Builder and Excel) and Pivot Tables from the cubes within Jet Analytics. Jet Viewers are individuals licensed to run Jet Reports reports that Designers create, and/or create dashboards (using Excel) and Pivot Tables from the cubes within Jet Analytics. All Jet reports are Excel files, and therefore anyone with Excel can see a report that has been designed to be viewed by them and do not need to have a Jet license to do so.  
Within Jet Reports, Designers have access to the data in the databases (per their individual security set up within that database) in order to design reports in Excel.  Designers ultimately set up the format and filtering on the reports and statements to control what non-designers can see or run. Within Jet Reports, Viewers can refresh reports to draw the current data within their database and can change those filters that Designers set up (limited by the individual's security settings).  Viewers are also able to use the scheduler to automate reports. For these users, reports will be static and will not be able to be refreshed.
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