The Jet Reports products provide you with a wide range of capabilities. Here, you will find videos to help you gain a familiarity with the features and configuration of Jet Analytics, OLAP Cubes, and the Jet Data Warehouse.
Table of Contents
Introduction | Configuration |
Hover your mouse over the text under each video for additional information about the video.
Jet Analytics Introduction |
Jet Analytics Features | |
An overview of Jet... |
A more in-depth look... |
Dynamics NAV Adapter Setup |
Jet Data Manager | Download, Deploy, and Execute |
Jet Analytics and a Native NAV Server |
How to import the Jet... |
Installing the Jet Data... |
Download, Deploy, and... |
Connecting Jet Analytics... |
Connect to Data Warehouse and Cubes |
Scheduling & Automatic Execution |
OLAP Server Security | Data Warehouse Permissions |
Connecting to your Jet... |
How to setup an Exec... |
How to use the JDM to... |
Setting up permissions... |