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Adding a Generic (ODBC) Data Source to the Jet Data Manager


Data sources contain the data that you want to retrieve and use for analysis. This article details the required steps to add a generic data source.

Your license determines the number and type of data sources that you can connect to. A standard license permits a connection to one data source. Additional connectors can be purchased to permit the use of additional data sources.

Add Data Sources

  1. Open the Business Unit you want to add the source to and then right-click Data Sources

  2. Point to Data Source , select Add Generic ODBC Data Source.


    The Add ODBC Data Source dialog opens.


  3. In the Name field, type the name of the data source.

  4. In the System DSN list, select the Data Source Name.

  5. In the Escape Character list, select the escape character specific to your ODBC driver.

  6. The drop down fields are used to control how the ODBC driver handles your data. These fields are optional. You have the following options.

    Option Definition
    Override text type length Specifies an exact text string length
    Override text type variable length True if you want a variable text string length
    Override character encoding

    True if you want to use Unicode

    Override numeric type precision

    Specify a fixed number of decimals for your numeric types


  7. Select Convert out of range dates to MS SQL min/max if you want to convert all dates older than January 01, 1753 to 01-01-1753.

  8. Select Use low compatibility mode , if you have trouble retrieving data from the database.

  9. In the Command Timeout field , specify the number of seconds to wait before terminating the attempt to connect to the database.

  10. In the Connection Timeout field , specify the number of seconds to wait before terminating the attempt to connect to the server.

  11. If you want to add additional connection strings, click the Additional Connection Properties button. In the Connection String Properties window, type the preferred connection strings, and then click OK .

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