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High Availability Cube Processing

High Availability Cube Processing is an add-on feature that is available for purchase.


Jet Analytics supports functionality that allows the processing of cubes without the cubes being taken offline.  Normally in SQL Server Analysis Services, when a cube is processed and rebuilt, it is taken offline during the duration of the processing and is made unavailable to end-users.  There is some functionality in SQL Server Enterprise Edition that allows the cube to not be taken offline, but many users do not own this edition of SQL.

The High Availability Cube Processing feature in the Jet Data Manager allows users to take advantage of this without the requirement of owning SQL Enterprise Edition.  In this way, the cubes can be updated throughout the business day - with no impact to end users.  During the processing of the cube, the users will still have access to the original version of the cube, which is then replaced with the new version of the cube once processing has been completed.

Due to the manner in which cubes are processed when using High Availability Cube Processing, it is necessary to add the entire OLAP database to your execution package.  If only a single cube is added to an execution package then this is the only cube that will be available in the Analysis Services database after the execution has finished.

Enabling High Availability Cube Processing

  1. In the Solution Explorer right click on the name of the OLAP database and select Edit SSAS Multidimensional Server 

  2. Check the box labeled Enable Offline Processing

  3. Rename the Database field in the OLAP Server section to represent a temporary OLAP database to be used during processing.

    This is *not* the database that will be used by end users.
  4. Type in the name of the database that will be used by end users in the Front Database Name field in the Offline Processing section.

  5. Click OK

  6. Right-click the OLAP database and click Deploy and Execute.



  7. There will now be two additional steps in the Execute OLAP Server routine that will handle the Offline Cube Processing.  These are Initialize Offline Processing and Finalized Processing.


  8. Click the Start button to start the processing of the cubes. Users will be able to still access the cubes as the cubes are being processed.

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