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Browsing Cubes in the Jet Data Manager


The Cube Browser (while not meant to replace a full-featured front-end tool such as Excel) provides both a graphical interface and enhanced usability options that provide an easy way to browse the cube structure without having to navigate away from the Jet Data Manager.

How to Launch the Cube Browser

  1. Locate the cube that will be browsed on the Cube tab; right-click the cube, and select Browse Cube .

  2. The user interface will be used similar manner as pivot tables in Excel. Measures and dimensions are dragged from the list on the right and dropped in either the boxes int he lower-right corner, or directly onto the workspace pane on the left.

    The following report was created from the Sales cube for NAV by dragging the Date dimension into the Rows box, Salesperson on Document dimension into the Columns box, and the Sales Amount measure into the Measures box.

  3. Filters for the rows and columns can be added by clicking the Filter icon to the left of the row and column labels in the workspace pane on the left.

  4. Dimensions can also be expanded and collapsed by clicking the plus and minus signs respectively

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