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Upgrading to NAV 2013 - 2018 when using Jet Analytics


More and more clients are upgrading to NAV 2013 or newer from older versions of NAV. The question will often arise as to how this will impact their Jet Analytics installation.

Below are some key points to take into consideration when migrating an existing Jet Analytics project to pull form the new system.

  1. Advanced Dimensions

    The structure of advanced dimensions (any dimensions other than those defined as Global Dimension 1 and Global Dimension 2) drastically changed in NAV 2013. If you have added Advanced Dimensions into your existing project from NAV system prior to 2013, you will want to re-map these to pull the dimension values from the Dimension Set Entry table using the new Dimension Set architecture. The conditional lookups in the existing transaction tables can remain but the plumbing of where the data originates from will need to be updated.

  2. NAV Customizations Not Being Brought Forward

    It is possible that customizations made in the prior version of NAV will not be brought forward into the new system or the architecture will be different. If the table names, field names, or objects numbers in the new system are different than those used in the old system then these customizations will need to be updated in the Jet Data Manager.

  3. Update Invalid Identifiers

    The Invalid Identifiers that are configured in NAV allow other systems to know how some special characters are handled in the ERP system. In NAV 2013 there were 3 additional characters that were added. Once the user has pointed to the new NAV system and before synchronizing the objects the use should right-click on the NAV data source name, navigate to Enhancements -> Navision Enhancement Settings.

    The list of characters should be:


    The user can then click Ok and synchronize the existing objects against the new database.

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