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Error: Your License does not permit you to use the language ENU


When running the NAV Adapter you receive the following error message:

"Your license does not permit you to use the language ENU."


  1. From the Object Designer, navigate to the Reports page and find object ID 1415100. Design the report.

  2. With the report designer open, click on the C/AL Code button. This will open the C/AL Editor.

  3. Within the C/AL Editor, press Ctrl+F to search for a string of text.  Type CurrReport into the search box.  The search should find the code you are looking for.  Comment out the line of code by placing two forward slashes at the beginning of the line as detailed in the picture below.  Once the code is commented out, click the Find Next button.

  4. Comment out the line of code as we did in the previous step. Click Find Next.

  5. Comment out the line of code as we did in the previous step.  We have now commented the last line of code.  Close the editor and the report.  If prompted to save changes, click Yes.

  6. Navigate back to the Object Designer and go to the Form page. Find ID 14125100. Run the form.

  7. Find the Standard Setup File that matches your version of NAV and set an update time similar to the image below.  Click the Functions button and Create Data

  8. The filter window will appear.  Add any necessary filters and click OK.

    In this example, we do not need to exclude any objects.

    The NAV Adapter will start and run until completion.

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