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Dynamics NAV Language Modules

This information applies to Dynamics NAV data sources


When using the Jet Excel add-in, you can enter table names, field names, and options in your local language if you export an NAV Language Module from NAV and tell Jet Reports where to find it.

The language module should have the same name as the three letter language code and an ".flm" extension.  You can save the language module in the language folder beneath your Dynamics NAV Client program folder.

For example, for Danish, you might export your file to the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Client\DAN\DAN.FLM

The captions are stored within NAV's table objects.  To export a Language Module, follow these directions:


  1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
    (for NAV 2009R2 and earlier, open the NAV Classic client)

  2. If the Object Designer is not already displayed, select Tools | Object Designer

  3. In the Object Designer, click the Table button on the left

  4. Select ALL tables by clicking in the upper left corner of the table or by pressing CTRL+A on the keyboard

  5. Now choose Tools | Language Module | Export

  6. Enter the appropriate file name and language and click OK

  7. Open Excel and go to the Data Source Settings on the Jet ribbon

  8. Enter the path to the Language Module that you just exported, and choose the appropriate 3-letter language (e.g., "DAN")

  9. Press OK


Instead of placing all Language Modules in the language subfolder of the Dynamics NAV Client Program Folder, you can place them in a common network folder and put the path to that folder in the Language Module Folder field of the data source.

Jet will first look in the folder specified in the Language Module Folder for the language module file. If you don’t specify a language module folder, it will look in the language subfolder of the Dynamics NAV Client Program Folder.

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