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Manually Enabling / Disabling the Jet Excel add-in



Excel needs to be configured to recognize the Jet add-in.  Since Excel stores add-in configuration on a user-by-user basis, if multiple users use the same workstation or server, this step must be done for each user.

If you launch Excel with the Jet add-in by double-clicking the "Jet Reports" icon on your desktop this automatically ensures that the Jet add-in is enabled before Excel is started.


If when you open Excel the Jet tab is not present


There are a two ways to enable the Jet add-in:

  • Using the Enable Jet Add-In app

  • Manually enabling the Jet Excel Add-In

Using the Enable Jet Add-In

  • If you are a user with administrative privileges, you can use the Enable Jet Add-In app. This app runs automatically after you install Jet or it can be run from the start menu.


Manually Enabling the Jet Excel Add-in

If the Enable Jet Add-In app does not work, you can also use Excel to enable the Jet add-in manually.

  1. Open Excel and go to the Excel add-ins

    • Excel 2010 and higher - File/Options/Add-Ins/Go
    • Excel 2007 - Office Button/Excel Options/Add-Ins/Go
  2. Click the Browse... button 

    If you have other add-ins enabled in Excel, it may be necessary to temporarily disable them prior to enabling the Jet add-in.
  3. Navigate to the Jet Reports folder (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\JetReports)

    Select the JetReports.xll file and click OK
    If you are prompted to replace the file, select Yes:
  4. A Jet ribbon should now be visible in Excel


Manually Disabling the Jet Excel add-in

  1. Open Excel and go to the Excel add-ins

    • Excel 2010 and higher - File/Options/Add-Ins/Go
    • Excel 2007 - Office Button/Excel Options/Add-Ins/Go
  2. Un-check the box next to the listing for Jet Reports and select OK

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