When working in a clustered environment, the Jet Excel add-in must be installed on each server in the cluster and must be enabled within Excel on each server for each Jet user.
There are three methods an organization could use to enable Jet within Excel on each server in the cluster.
Method #1 - Use the Jet Reports shortcut
When the Jet Excel add-in is installed, the user has the option to create a Jet Reports App shortcut on the desktop by using this shortcut to launch Excel, the Jet Excel add-in will be automatically enabled before Excel is launched.
Method #2 - User enables Jet add-in
Anytime that a user accesses a system on which the Jet add-in has not already been enabled...
the user would need to either enable the add-in using Jet's Enable Jet Add-in app.
If using the app does not work, manually enabling the Jet Add-In from within Excel will generally get it to appear.
Method #3 - Admin has login script to enable Jet add-in
A system administrator could modify the login script for each Jet user so that the script calls the Jet Enable Utility (C:\Program Files (x86)\JetReports\Jet.Activator.exe) when a user logs in.
Troubleshooting - Admin can examine Windows Registry
A system administrator can examine the Windows Registry of a Jet user who is experiencing issues with enabling the Jet add-in.
The Registry key where Excel tracks its enabled add-ins is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ {version of Office} \ Excel \ Options
Under that key, there is a subkey created for each installed add-In. The subkey is called "OPEN", "OPEN1", "OPEN2" etc. depending on how many add-ins are installed and enabled.
The value of each subkey is the path to the VBA add-in (.xla or .xlam) to which the key corresponds.
The path to the Jet add-in should appear in that list. It is also necessary that the individual user have sufficient permissions to read the Registry settings.
