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Guarding Tables and Data Sources


In the Jet Data Manager, it is possible to guard data sources and tables so that they will not be deployed and/or executed when the normal deployment and execution of the project is done.

This can be useful in cases where the data in the table needs to be preserved. Examples include tables used to import data from Excel through the SQL Import Wizard or legacy data loaded from an old system which does need to be subsequently reloaded.

Guarding a Table

  1. To guard a table in the staging database or data warehouse, in the Jet Data Manager, right-click the table, and go to Table Settings.


  2. In the window that opens, on the Data tab, you will see two options for guarding different processes at the bottom:


    It is possible to check one or both of these boxes depending on what the user wishes to guard:.

    Guard on Deployment

    This will guard the table from the normal deployment procedures. If this box is selected the following will occur:

    • Deployment of the table objects (table, fields, and views) will not occur
    • The associated SSIS package or ADO.NET scripts will not be created
    • The data cleansing procedure will not be created

    Guard on Execution

    This will guard the table form the normal execution procedures. If this box is selected the following will occur:

    • The table will not be truncated, which normally deletes all prior data from the table prior to execution
    • No data will be transferred into the table
    • No data cleansing procedures will be run

Guarding a Data Source

To guard a data source:

  1. In your Business Unit, right-click on the data source, click on Data Source Settings mceclip2.png
  2. Select Guard on deployment to prevent the JDM from deploying any tables from the data source and/or Guard on execution to prevent the JDM from executing any table.mceclip3.png
  3. Click on OK.
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