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Changing the OLAP Locale Identifier in Excel to See Other Language Translations


This article details the process of enabling translations from an OLAP server.

Please Note: Excel does not use Windows locale settings when retrieving translations from an OLAP server, but instead uses the installation language for Office. This can be overridden on a single connection by specifically setting the locale identifier.

Translations only work when connecting to a cube using the native Excel functionality. This means translations will not work when using the Jet Excel add-in.


  1. On the DATA tab in Excel click From Other Sources → From Analysis Services

  2. Enter the server name and click Next .

  3. Select the OLAP Server database and cube that you want to use and click Next .

  4. At the File Name, click Browse... → Copy the path from the address bar, for example 'C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Data Sources'. Click Save . Click Finish and OK.

  5. Using Windows explorer, locate the *.odc file in the directory in your clipboard. Open this file in Notepad.

  6. In the end of the <odc:ConnectionString> tag enter ;LocaleIdentifier=code

    Note: There should be no space within the LocaleIdentifier tag

  7. Save and close the connection file.

  8. Open a new WorkBook in Excel

  9. On the Data Tab, click Existing Connections, locate the edited connection file and click Open.

    This connection will now use the new Locale Settings

For a full list of Locales see the PDF attachment below.
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