The input and output directories can contain date and time tags that will be replaced with current date and time elements. The following tags are available.
Tag | Result |
%YEAR% | Current year, four digits |
%MONTH% | Current month, two digits |
%DAY% | Current day of the month, two digits |
%HOUR% | Current hour, 2 digits, 24 hour clock |
%MINUTE% | Current minute, 2 digits |
If you are using the command line substitutions listed above in a batch file, you will have to use %% instead of % on either side of the tag. The %% is necessary because %NAME% in a batch file is also used for substitution.
The date and time substitutions are based on the date and time that AutoPilot starts.
For example:
AutoPilot /M VALUES /I "C:\JetReports\MyFile.xlsx" /O "C:\JetReports\Output\%Year%-%Month%-%Day% %Hour%"
If the AutoPilot started at 10PM on July 23, 2019 the output directory from the above command line would be C:\JetReports\Output\2019-07-23 10.xlsx.