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Excel 2007 - Report and Design buttons are missing or Run-Time error 91

This information applies to Jet version 2013 U1 and older


When using older versions of the Jet Excel add-in with Excel 2007, the Report and Design buttons are missing or Run-Time error 91 is displayed.

This is often caused by both the jetreports.xla add-in and the jetreports.xlam add-in being active at the same time.


You can only have one of them active at a time.

  1. Go to the "Office Button"
  2. Select Options then Add-ins,
  3. Select the Add-in Manager


You will see both add-ins.

For Excel 2007, you should only have the jetreports.xlam active, so uncheck the jetreports.xla.

After making the necessary changes, restart Excel.

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