When connecting to your NAV data source (2013 or higher), an error message can be displayed:
Excerpt text from the error message:
An unexpected error has occurred:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: code
at Jet.Data.Nav.NavGlobalDimension..ctor(Int32 A_0, String A, String A_2, String A_3)
This error can be caused by blank, empty or null values in the Code field of the Dimension Value table (table number 349).
Values are pulled directly from this table in order to query the dimension value.
If that value is blank, empty or null, you will receive the Argument Null Exception error.
Your NAV system administrator may need to examine your SQL database's $DimensionValue table(s) to fix any blank, empty, or null entries in the Code field
dbo.CRONUS Mexico S_A_$Dimension Value
dbo.CRONUS Canada, Inc_$Dimension Value
dbo.CRONUS USA, Inc_$Dimension Value