Once you have uploaded a report to Jet Hub, that report will then appear in the online Reports List...

Now, let's look at how to run the report and view the results
Running and Viewing your Report
Jet Hub features both an Action List (at the top of Jet Hub) showing the available actions for the selected item.
You can also run a report by hovering over that report and clicking the Run Report button.
The status icon for that report will show that it is being refreshed...
Once the report has been refreshed, the status icon will update, again.
You can now open the report
If running a report with Report Options, a dialog box for you to select what parameters you would like to run the report against.
One of the most powerful features of Jet Hub is that it allows you to run and view the report without needing to have the Jet Excel add-in - or even Excel - installed on your computer.
If you have access to Excel Online, you can simply select that option, and view the report directly in your web browser.
Anyone with whom the report has been shared can view the current results. Licensed Designers and Viewers can refresh the report - all from within a supported web browser.
Alternately, you can download a copy of the report to your computer and open it in Excel. This report will be viewable without Jet Reports installed, as long as Excel is installed. If you are licensed as a Jet Designer, once you have downloaded and opened the report, you can place the report in Design mode to edit it.