Self-signed certificates are acceptable for testing anything used internal. By default, certificates created through Internet Information Services (IIS) on most Windows OS versions are based on the SHA-1 algorithm rather than the SHA-256 algorithm. SHA-1 certificates are less secure due to their smaller bit size and are in the process of being sunset by all web browsers.
Run PowerShell as administrator
Run the following command to create the certificate:
New-SelfSignedCertificate –DnsName <Computer name> -CertStoreLocation “cert:\LocalMachine\My”<Computer name> should be the name of the computer hosting the Jet Web Portal. It should be fully qualified with the domain name (computer.domain.com). -
Next, we need to add the self-signed certificate as a trusted certificate authority...
Run MMC -32 as administrator
Select File > Add or Remove Snap-ins
Select Certificates and then click Add
Select Computer account and press Next
Select Local computer, then click Finish. Then Click OK.
Find the certificate in Personal > Certificates:
Right-click on the newly created certificate and then select Properties. Input the desired Friendly Name field for the certificate based upon what you are testing. Once completed, select the Apply button followed by OK.
Right-click on the certificate and choose Copy
Expand Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
Right-click on the Certificates folder
Select Paste
In IIS Manager (usually requiring Administrator permissions), you can now see the self-signed certificate with SHA-256 as the SSL certificate.