Once we have Created a Budget and Created a Work Item which has been assigned to other users, we may need to sometimes change the users who are assigned as either the Contributor or the Approver for that Work Item.
Let's look at an example to see how easy it is to do this.
Changing Work Item Users
Here we see a Work Item we created and have assigned both a Contributor (Gabriele) and an Approver (Brian).
We've determined that George is going to be on vacation and we need to have someone else provide the budget numbers for this particular Work Item. Let's add George to our budget.
First, before a user can be assigned to the Jet Budget, that person must first have access to Jet Hub.
This can be done either through the Jet Administration Console...
... or through the Admin section of Jet Hub:
Next, we need to assign that user to the Budget.
This is done by opening our Budget and navigating to the Users section:
We can then select Add:
... type in the name of the user we want to add and click the Add button:
Now that the user is added to our budget, we can assign that user responsibilities within the Work Items.
Navigating to the Work Items section, we see the particular Work Item we want to Edit.
Once we click Send...
Notifications will be emailed to both George and Gabriele, informing them of the change in assignment roles.