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Use Business Central with Jet Analytics


This KB article has been deprecated.  Please refer to this updated article.


Configuring a connection between Jet Analytics and your Business Central tenant is accomplished through two distinct steps:

  • Importing the Jet Reports Queries into Business Central
  • Configuring Jet Analytics for use with Business Central

Let's look at the configuration process...

How-To Video

Importing the Jet Reports Queries into Business Central

  1. From the Dynamics home page, click Sign in

  2. Enter your Dynamics 365 credentials

  3. From your Dynamics 365 Home page, start your Business Central

  4. Once within Dynamics 365 Business Central, click the Search icon

  5. Search for Extension Management

    Select Extension Management from the search list
  6. From the Installed Extensions window...


    Click Upload Extension from the Manage section of the toolbar.

  7. From the Upload and Deploy Extension dialog, click the pull-down arrow for Select .app file.

  8. Navigate to the installation files for Jet Analytics and to the folder containing the Jet Report Queries .app file

    Select the .app file and click the Open button.
  9. On the Upload and Deploy Extension dialog, ensure that the Deploy to option is set to Current Version, select the language being used with your Business Central, and check the box to Accept the disclaimer.

    Click the Deploy button
  10. When Business Central completes the installation process, the Jet Reports Queries extension will be available:

  11. Finally you'll need to make sure all the Web Services entries are entered into Business Central.

    Attached to the bottom of this article is an Excel workbook:


    Open that file and use it to create the entities in Web Services.

    From the Web Services windows in Business Central, select the New option at the top.

    Next, select Query for the Object Type.

    Next, type in the Object ID. This will automatically find the object and preview it for you. Press Tab to have it auto-populate the field.

    Once that populates, you will need to type in the Service Name. This needs to exactly match what's on the spreadsheet. Even case has to match.

    When entering in the Service Name field, it needs to match exactly what is in the spreadsheet. These fields are case sensitive and cannot accept spaces or special characters other than underscores. Mistyping these will result in synchronizations issues in the Jet Data Manager application. 

    Finally click the Publish box.

    Once you've inputted all the queries it should look similar to the screenshot below.

Configuring Jet Analytics for use with Business Central

Once the Jet Reports Queries extension has been imported into your Business Central tenant....

  1. We next need to identify a user account which has a web services access key allowing external applications to communicate with Business Central.

    For this example, we've navigated to the Users area and we'll use the JETADMIN user
  2. Here we see the Web Service Access Key which has been assigned to this user.

    Copy this information and temporarily paste it in a text document (such as in Notepad)
  3. We also need to get the URL for our Business Central tenant. This URL is displayed when you first select Business Central from our Dynamics 365 Home page:

    Copy this information and temporarily paste it in a text document (such as in Notepad)
  4. Start the Jet Data Manager.

    If you have not already installed a Business Central project, go to the CubeStore and do so.

  5. Open the Business Central project you want to use

  6. Create or Edit a new CData Data Source

  7. For the settings in the Authentication section, enter the four pieces of information we gathered from Business Central:

    1. Company Name
    2. The Organization URL that we copied to a text document
    3. The User to which a Web Service Access Key has been assigned
    4. The Web Service Access Key we copied to the text document
    Close your text document (without saving) for security purposes.

    If you do not have the Business Central provider already in your provider list, please see this artcile for instructions.

  8. Click the Test Connection button

    Click OK to dismiss the Test Connection message and then click OK to exit your Data Source settings.
  9. Synchronize your Data Source

  10. Once the synchronization is complete, you can see all the Business Central data to which you have access



You are now ready to begin using Jet Analytics with your Business Central data.

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