In Jet Analytics, there are several options when choosing the best data source for a specific report:
- Source ERP (NAV, GP, AX, or Business Central)
- Data Warehouse
- Cubes
This table below describes the characteristics of each data source to help you choose the best option for your requirements.
Source |
Pros & Cons |
When to Use |
Source ERP
- Familiar application database structure
- Real-time availability of data
- Contains all data
- Data is unsorted and separated
- Can have unclear naming
- Reports may run slower due to data being split across multiple tables
- Can be difficult to include multi-company data in the same report
- Real-time data is needed
- Non-complex reports:
- Limited number of tables; the more tables you need, the slower it becomes.
- No need to use multiple fields to calculate a single outcome.
- Small data throughput
- ERP systems are designed for input
- Give priority to input vs output
- Non-commonly used tables or fields are needed
Data Warehouse
- Built from source data
- Data is sorted and consolidated
- Tables and fields from source data are consolidated into new tables
- Multiple companies or data sources pulled into one source
- Better named tables and fields
- Reports can run faster due to fewer tables and smaller data set
- Can build your own indexes for performance tuning
- Not real-time data
- Only contains data selected from source data
- Real-time data not required
- Need for detailed reports
- Faster execution times
- Consolidated reporting
- Multiple companies
- Multiple data sources
- Built from data warehouse
- Data is pre-calculated and aggregated
- Clearly named
- Reports with calculations run more efficiently due to pre-calculated data
- Easily build Pivot Tables and dashboards
- Not real-time data
- Generally not detail-level information
- Fastest execution times
- Consolidated reporting
- Multi-company
- Multi-data source
- Aggregated data reporting
- Summarized data
- Complex calculations
- Real-time data not needed
- PivotTable needed