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Using the Jet License Portal

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The Jet Global License Portal provides Jet Global users with a convenient tool for managing their Jet license.

With the Jet License Portal, there is no need for you, as a Jet user, to contact Jet Global or your Jet solutions provider to make simple, routine changes to your Jet license.


    1. The portal is available at

      Where you will be prompted to log in.


      New users can Sign up now (prior users who have not yet updated their credentials will need to do the same).

      Once a user is registered and updated their credentials, they simply need to login using those credentials.

    2. New or updating users can then register for access to their organization’s information:


      The registration will be forwarded for approval by the individual assigned as an administrator for your organization and you will receive an email once you have been granted access to the site.

      IMPORTANT: Jet Global Partners MUST register with their Partner Activation Code (not a code for any other customer)

How-To Video

Registering for the License Portal

This video steps you through the process of signing up for the Jet Global License Portal.

Using the Portal

The Jet License Portal allows you to perform such tasks as changing the license number associated with existing connectors, reassigning designer licenses, and changing a license configured for unlimited designers to a site license (or, even vice versa).

  1. Viewing a Connector

    Once we are logged in, we can see our license information:


    If we click on the “View Connectors” icon...


    we see all the connectors associated with our company’s license:

  2. Changing a Connector License Number

    Let’s consider the example where you have upgraded your version of Dynamics NAV and now have a new NAV license number.  That means you will also need to change our Jet NAV Connector number to correspond.

    That is now as easy as placing the cursor over the applicable connector, clicking the Edit icon...


    and changing the number to match the new NAV license.


    Changes made using the Jet License Portal will impact the activation database within 5 minutes. After that time, users can reactivate their license through the Jet Excel Add-In to benefit from the licensing changes we’ve made.


    Even without manually reactivating, users who have internet connectivity will typically be updated automatically within 24 hours.

  3. Viewing and Changing the list of Designers:

    Let’s go back and look at the users on this license. 

    When we click on the “View Designers” icon…


    We see a list of all the users currently associated with our license.


    We can modify a user’s information by clicking on the Edit Record icon for that user.


    Here for example you can change whether an individual is a viewer or a designer.


    Likewise, if one of the users has a name change or a new email address, we can make adjustments here

  4. Changing Designers

    We can also make more substantial changes.

    Let’s suppose that a user has changed to a different department, and we now want a new user to be a designer, instead.

    It is a simple matter of deleting the old user’s record


    and creating a new one for the new user.

  5. Establishing a Site License

    If our license included an unlimited number of Designers we have the option of using a Site license (so as to recognize any user on our organization’s domain as a Designer).


    We simply edit our main record..


    ...change the No to a Yes, and enter your organization’s domain name.


    Once we click Save and the database is updated, any user on that domain who accesses the activation service with their Jet software, will automatically be authenticated as a Designer.

    Using the same process, Site licensing can also be removed from a license so that only pre-specified users have Designer capabilities.

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