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Create a Budget for a Non-Dynamics Data Source

Jet Budgets is being deprecated and support is ending on December 31, 2022. Please contact your Jet partner or account manager for more information.

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Jet Budgets provides a powerful yet flexible tool to assist you in the processes of starting, adding information to, and managing your budgets.

Let's take a look at how to create a budget for a non-Dynamics data source. If you use Dynamics Business Central, NAV, or GP; please see our article for creating a Dynamics Budget.

How-To Video

Creating a non-Dynamics Budget

This video present a simple overview of creating a Jet Budget for a non-Dynamics Data Source

Creating a Budget

  1. Once we've logged in to Jet Hub and navigated to the Budgets section...



    We can click New Budget

  2. We are then prompted to enter the basic information about this specific budget.


    We'll give the budget a name and description, and select our data source.

    In this example, we've chosen to use our Jet Analytics Data Warehouse as our data source


    And we'll provide the date ranges for this budget.  Our date range can be based on calendar months or on any custom period we want to define:

  3. Next, we can specify the G/L accounts we want to use with our budget.


    We can enter that data by hand:


    or, if we have an external list of the numbers and names, we can copy that and paste the information directly within this window:

  4. Once we click Next, we have the ability to define any an Dimensions we may want to use with your budget.

    dimension1.png  dimension2.png

    If we would like, we can click the Edit button for each defined Dimension and add values for each:

    dimension3.png  dimension4.png

    and we can continue with our budgeting process.

  5. Once we click Create, the budget is created...


    and we can continue with our budgeting process.


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