I've never seen this error message before? Any ideas would be appreciated.
David Tittle Yes, one of my users just received this error as well.
Matthew Frecker We are also receiving the below error in the last few hours and can't work around it.
Leonardo Tapia Matthew Frecker your error message looks a little different from mine, but I was able to resolve my issue by logging out of Jet Reports, closing excel and then logging back in.
Matthew Frecker Legend, that worked a treat.
CascadiaDataworks Looks like this is a result of Microsoft deprecating a specific type of permission. Seems like logging out and logging back in resolves it for most users.
David Tittle I have some users that get the following error after logging out and back in:
So, I am having to run two powershell commands to fix this error.
Is anyone else having to do this?We will need to force .NET to use TLS 1.2 instead of TLS 1.1/1.0 on any machine encountering this error. To do so, please go through the following process:
Open Windows Powershell as an Administrator and enter the following commands:Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NetFramework\v4.0.30319' -Name 'SchUseStrongCrypto' -Value '1' -Type DWord
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NetFramework\v4.0.30319' -Name 'SchUseStrongCrypto' -Value '1' -Type Dword