Error when I try to link two tabels!

Hi Guys,

Just installed Jet Express which I try to link to a Nav 2013 R2 database.
Connection succeeded but…
Using Tabelbuilder I try to combine/link two tabels (e.g. Sales Header & Sales Line) but during this action I receive a error:

System. FormatException
By System.Text.StringBuilde.AppendiFormat (FormatProvider provider, String format, object [] args)
by JettableUI.VeiwModels.ReportLinkFieldViewModel.ResetHeader()

What have I done so far?
* Excel = 64 bit
* Jet Express = 64 bit
* Reinstalled Jet Express
* Compiled again the objects in Navision
* Delete and add the Webservice

Still all without any result……help


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