Hi All
I have a requirement in which I need (Member no.,Member Name,Contact,Last Transaction Date,Transaction Amount)
My 2 tables are Member table,LsRetailSalesTransaction from the Sales Cube.
What technique can I use to return the last transaction date?
Thank you for the help
Jet Reports Historic Posts Hello -
You mention two tables and a specific field.
Since cubes don't have "tables", I'm wondering if you a accessing the data warehouse instead of the cubes. Could that be the case? -
Jet Reports Historic Posts You are right.The tables are in the DWH but I need to report from the Sales Cube.The Member fields from the Member table in the DWH would be my dimensions. How do I create the Measure that returns the Value of the last transaction in the Sales Cube.
Thank you for responding. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Hi -
Keep in mind that, typically, transaction-level details are not stored in the cubes (the cubes are ideal for high-level, decision-making data).
This is true for the standard cube project (like I have). Is it also true of your project, or do you have customization that includes transaction data in your cubes?
It is best to get that level of detail from the DWH. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts I agree 100% and thank you. How would I achieve this in the DWH.
Many thanx -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Perhaps something like this?
Jet Reports Historic Posts Thank you so much…I really appreciate