I am pulling data and no matter what kind of report/function i am using i am not able to use the pull down option to open Nav and see the entry. I keep getting this error msg:
An unexpected Error has occurred: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at bf.a(dh A_0, String A_1, String A_2, IWin32Window A_3)
at a9.u()
at Jet.JetDispatcher.aq()
at Jet.JetDistpatcher.b(Object[] A_0)
at Jet.JetDispatcher.Dispatch(Object[]& args)
Any suggestions?
Jet Reports Historic Posts Greetings,
It's difficult to determine what the issue might be and where it's occurring from the information given in your post. Is this a new installation/trial, or did the error just begin happening? Are you using Essentials to connect to Jet Enterprise cubes, or are you connecting Essentials directly to your NAV database? -
Jet Reports Historic Posts hi,
We just intalled JetEnterprise this summer so we are pretty new at this, this started happening a couple of weeks ago and we are connected directly to the Nav database.
I really appreciate all of your help! -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Greetings,
You don't happen to know how many filters are in your report, do you? I want to say Essentials supports a maximum of 10 filters. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts hi,
I wish i could do more than 10 filters, the pulls that we are doing are very simple pulls from one table with posting date, or location filters. -
Jet Reports Historic Posts Greetings,
Hrmmm! At this point, it might be best to submit a ticket to the support team. If you go to http://support.jetreports.com/ and register an account, you'll then see a section for submitting tickets among your list of options. There, you can also include the actual report (if you feel like sharing it with the support team), and/or screenshots of when, where, and what the error message is.