I'm trying to display all sales invoice lines for particular invoices. I need to filter the Order Date from the Sales Invoice Header and also display that on the report. I have linked the two tables (see image), but when the report runs, I only get the first Sales Invoice Line on the Invoice, not the rest of the lines. Thoughts?
CascadiaDataworks The table builder will only display one line per primary table value. In your case, since the primary table is the Sales Invoice Header, it will only be able to display information from one Sales Invoice Line.
If you need to see detail down to the line, you will need to start with the Sales Invoice Line and link to the Sales Invoice Header. Then you will get a row for each sales invoice line with the header information duplicated for each matching invoice.
Mike Brown Ok, so when I use the Sales Invoice Line as the primary table, none of the fields from the Sales Invoice Header appear on the report and the filter on the order date from the invoice header does not work as well.
CascadiaDataworks Without being able to test it myself, I can't really speak to your specific data. In my demo data, I was able to pull back Header information.
At this point, it may be good to work directly with a consultant at your BC partner or reach out to Insightsoftware directly for assistance (they do not monitor these boards).