This might be a NL function "newbie" type question but I hardy use this function. I have a Great Plains general ledger account code (say 15-230-1234) which has 50 transactions for the date range 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024 and I want to sum the total of the debits and credits when the field in the account transactions table called "Originating Master ID = "ABC123" only. How do I do this please?
1 comment
CascadiaDataworks If I remember correctly, the credit and debits are separate fields in GP. If this is the case, the easiest way is to use three columns in Excel.
1. NL(SUM) of Credits with your filters
2. NL(SUM) of Debits with your filters
3. Excel -> Add steps 1 and 2
4. Hide the columns for step 1 and 2
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