Our income statement is show all 12 months. However, when we run the income statement as of 4/30/2018 we got values in May - December 2018. Is there a way to cut off the report as of 4/30/2018 (or based on the user input end of period)?
Our income statement is show all 12 months. However, when we run the income statement as of 4/30/2018 we got values in May - December 2018. Is there a way to cut off the report as of 4/30/2018 (or based on the user input end of period)?
Hello Gwendolin:
If you always want your Income Statement to show 12 months ending on a specified data, you could use a technique such as this:
When run, it would look like this:
Hi Harry,
Thank you for the quick response. We actually are show from Jan - Dec. When running as of 4/30/2018, we hide future months from showing but there are values in those future months already which we don't want to included in the YTD calculations. As you can see the screenshot below, I ran the data as of 4/30/2018 but May 2018 already has values in there.
Hi Gwendolin -
Have you considered designing your report so that it only lists those months you want?
This example uses net change for each account:
Hi Harry,
I thought about that but the way our finance department wants is the actual financial statement is linking to each department sheet (get the data using JET) and adding up the month columns. If the months are not there to begin with, then all the formulas are wrong. As you can see the highlighted formula which is not a JET calculation. Not sure what's the best way to handle this. Thanks.
Hello Gwendolin -
You could wrap your references in Excel IF() functions
Let's assume that we have (a) the last date we want in cell D5 and (b) the date for the month is in row 4:
=IF(G$4<=$D$5,'WC Revenue & Losses'!G9,0)
Hi Harry,
Thank you for your suggestion. I modified the Jet formula as below and it works:
Thank you for your help.
And I apologize for listing Jet Professional examples. I saw your posts but didn't notice that they were in the Jet Express forum.