Hi ,
Is Run button means refresh in jet web portal?
Hello Jouayna,
yes, and somehow no. First "yes":
Yes, it means refresh, if the report you are running is based on Jet Professional only. That means, if you use NL and similar functions.
Now "somehow no": You are asking this question in the Jet Entreprise forum, so you might be using pivot tables. If you use pivot tables, the data will be updated when opening the file (by clicking "Enable Editing" and then "Enable Content" that appear in a yellow bar below the ribbons when opening the file). Running the report beforehand has no effect that I know of (other than checking, if you have access rights to the reports source and thus making sure that you can download the reports, if you were not able to do so before running).
Check out this idea to change the update behavior for pivot tables.
Let me know, if this helps.
thank you Johannes for ur accurate answer.
really i was looking for any document for this issue and couldnt find . as i assume that it didnt work for pivot table done from cubes .
I was expecting more from webportal . as when u download the report from web portal, you will download it to local computer , then you will lose the connection if you are working outside the internal network .for me the web portal is the same to send the report by email. what do u advise in this case? is citirx or vpn or jetmobile licence can make any change? cannot hide that webpotal is helpfull menu for listing all reports and control the permissions .
thank you
Hello Jouhayna -
The Jet Web Portal is designed as a repository where one copy of reports can be kept for many individuals - without requiring that those individuals have the Jet Excel add-in installed (or even have Excel installed). The reports can be refreshed directly in the Web Portal and then viewed using Excel Online.
When a report is downloaded, refreshing that report definitely requires that the Jet Excel add-in be installed.
In additional to the Jet Web Portal, there are those Jet clients who do use Citrix or other shared-desktop environments.
Hello Harry ,
thank You Harry , yes Web portal did all this except with Pivot tables that cannot be refreshed by RUN . I didnt try excel on line as we dont have it yet in our company . I am doing Run then download and i was expecting run to do at least refresh . but it didnt with Pivot table as Johannes stated .
in all way i will try citix solution ,
thank you Lot for your discussion and information you shared .
@Harry: "When a report is downloaded, refreshing that report definitely requires that the Jet Excel add-in be installed."
Does that mean that reports are not refreshed via the Web Portal? Use case: I upload a report. Someday later I run it, download and open it, while being offline. When not using pivot tables, is the report refreshed or not? I had the feeling that they are refreshed.
Also when using pivot tables, they can be refreshed via the analyze ribbon and the refresh button, or not? So your statement is especially true for reports using NL functions, I would say. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
If my answer was not totally true, you're welcome to correct me. Thank you.
@Jouhayna: You're welcome! The people are currently developing and improving the Jet Web Portal, as you can see that from the ideas community. I'm sure the web portal will improve and include many features in the future that will help us.
Hello Johannes -
Reports can most definitely be refreshed in the Jet Web Portal (that is what it is designed for). The results can then be viewed - either using Excel Online or downloaded and viewed in Excel.
Excel workbooks containing Jet functions can be refreshed with the Jet Web Portal or downloaded and refreshed using Excel with the Jet Excel add-in.
Hello Harry,
thank you for your answer.
Now I'm a bit confused. Reports based on pivot tables are not refreshed via the web portal. That is at least my experience. Is that wrong? I aggree that reports based on Jet functions, like NL, GP etc., are refreshed the way you described it.
I'm only interested in the setup with reports based on pivot tables being run/refreshed in the web portal and then downloaded/viewed locally in excel.
Johannes Herlitzius
You are correct Johannes.
At this time, external workbook connections (e.g. OLAP Pivot Tables) cannot be refreshed from Excel online (and, thus, cannot be refreshed using the Jet Web Portal).
Such workbooks need to be downloaded and opened in an installation of Excel that has a connection to the OLAP data source on which the pivot table is based.