I am adding information to from another G/L Entries based on the Posting Date using a Lookup. the function works for most dates with the exception of Closing Dates. What do I need to do to the Lookup - Join to treat closing dates as any other data?
I am adding information to from another G/L Entries based on the Posting Date using a Lookup. the function works for most dates with the exception of Closing Dates. What do I need to do to the Lookup - Join to treat closing dates as any other data?
I have created a work-around for this by creating a new field 'Posting Date Only' to hold a modified Date Only value that strips out the time element of the Closing Date using the Custom operator:
Convert(date,[Posting Date],103)
This converts the Closing Date into a normal date, which I then use in the joins for the Factors
While perhaps not the most elegant solution - it worked