I'm trying to connect to Dynamics BC (SQL on site).
I can see our server when connecting with the Data Connection Setup, but get the following error when clicking 'Table Builder':
An unexpected error has occurred:You can only create Navision or GP data sources in Jet Reports Express.
at Jet.Data.JetDataSourceFactory.CreateDataSource(DataSourceInfo info, Boolean enableLogging, String logFilePath)
at Jet.Framework.DataSourceManager.<>c__DisplayClass33_0.<GetDataSource>b__0()
at Jet.Shared.LargeDictionary`2.TryAdd(TKey key, Func`1 getValue, Action`1 action)
at Jet.Framework.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(String name)
at Jet.Framework.DataSourceManager.OpenDataSource(String name)
at Jet.JetTools.ShowTableBuilder()
at Jet.ExcelDnaFunctions.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<JetMenu>b__1()
at Jet.ExcelDnaFunctions.Execute(Action action)
Can anyone shed some light or offer any advice please?