I'm troubleshooting an issue logging in to JetHub.
JetHub is installed on the SQL server hosting the SQL database containing both the JetHub database and the CRM database.
There are multiple other websites hosted on the same server. I know - bad idea, but that's what I got to work with right now.
I've created a dedicated FQDN for the IIS binding in the internal DNS server, jethub.domain.local
I've created a certificate from the internal PKI
I've setup IIS binding on the JetHub website, jethub.domain.local
When I try to login I keep getting redirected between
https://jethub.domain.local/identity/connect/authorize?client_id= ....
The other websites are running on the same IP address and most have dedicated host headers. One site has no host header defined for https (this would be the default website served)
Any ideas?