If you want to compare the value in one field to the value in another field in the same record, you can use a "Calculated Field" within your Jet Reports formula.
You need a list of sales invoice numbers where the "Bill-to Customer No." is equal to the "Sell-to Customer No."
=NL("Rows","Sales Invoice Header","No.","No.","=IF(NF(,""Bill-to Customer No."")=NF(,""Sell-to Customer No.""),NF(,""No.""))")
List all [Vendor Ledger Entry] records where the "Remaining Amt. (LCY)" is different than the "Amount (LCY)"
=NL("Rows","Vendor Ledger Entry",,"Remaining Amt. (LCY)","=""<>""&nf(,""Amount (LCY)"")")