Report Writing Techniques
- Useful Excel Date Functions
- Grouping and Subtotaling Tutorial
- Filtering Based on Data from Another Table
- Building a Report From Multiple Data Sources
- Referencing a Blank cell (with @@)
- Conditionally Hiding Rows, Columns or Sheets
- Sort by Sum (or count) with Dynamics NAV and Business Central
- Sort by Sum for data sources other than NAV
- Using the Excel IF function with Jet Reports (Conditional Replication)
- Limiting the Number of Records in a Query
- SQL Views
- Using NL(Filter)
- Using Link=
- Using InclusiveLink=
- Using SQL=
- Selecting the Key Search Algorithm
- Selecting the Specific Key by Function ( Key= )
- Using "Schema=" to return specific data
- SQL= Reference
- Using a Detail List or a Summary List
- Compare one NAV field against another field
- Using GP SmartList SQL Views to speed up reporting
- Retrieving Special Fields with NL(Table)
- Array Calculations
- Adding a Date and Time stamp to a Report
- Table Cache Optimization
- Evaluating Formulas
- Loading Pictures
- Stored User Data in Reports
- Advanced Stored User Data